I’d like to know what principle of Dhamma can give stability to the family till the next generations?
Remedying the Situation When Neighbors Fight
A good environment promotes good habits in children. But if our neighbors argue noisily every day while using profanity
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Raising our children (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twelve :- Raising our children.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Not Leaving one's Work Undone (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fourteen :- Not Leaving one's Work Undone.
How DMC has influenced people around the world?
How DMC has influenced or positively changed people around the world?
True Bliss
When you attain true bliss and happiness inside yourself through meditation, you will feel so overwhelmed with joy that you will not be able to adequately find words to describe it.
Blessing Our Descendants
When we reach old age, blessing our descendants becomes an important duty among our many obligations
Want To Say I Love You
A man, when he was in childhood he was diligent but when he was grown up he became a trouble maker because of his promiscuous behavior. He always asked money from parents and spent it all with women. His parents thought he might be under the influence of black magic so they took him to a black magic master to remove the curse but nothing was better. He was admitted to a nerve hospital once. His mother ordained him as a monk at a temple. During his ordination, he was better but things turned back to be same after he quitted a priesthood. Did he have a mental problem from a black magic…..what is the Kammar of his parents to have so much sorrow with their son in this life?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes and that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes does not go against the third Buddhist precept, which is to avoid adultery. This is because they feel that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Call for ban on animal killing fair